Legal Fact sheets
These Fact Sheets have been produced by the Law Institute of Victoria to help provide you with basic information around common situations that all of us are faced with during the course of our lives. They are designed to help you better understand some of the specific elements related to each topic and to allow you to have a more informed discussion with your lawyer when the time is right.
"Family Law",
"guid": "29cabf3f-42bb-4c1f-92c4-f5949296b589",
"title": "Buying a Home",
"subTitle": "Fact Sheet",
"timestamp": 638692566837591793,
"url": "/buying-a-home",
"filterOptions": [
"code": "MSL.Category",
"values": [
"Family Law"
"guid": "1ce80b14-820e-4cbc-82f1-a8f2e5279633",
"title": "Wills and Estates",
"subTitle": "Fact Sheet",
"timestamp": 638692566837599041,
"url": "/wills-and-estates",
"filterOptions": [
"code": "MSL.Category",
"values": [
"Family Law"